4 Most Expensive Plastic Surgeries
Did you know that Americans alone spend billions on cosmetic surgeries every year? According to a report shared by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, since 2000, there has been a rise of 41% in such procedures. Botox and procedures like it are less minimally invasive as compared to plastic surgeries, which are meant to transform your body in permanent ways. You will find many people opting for the most expensive plastic surgeries for various reasons; it could be to lose weight dramatically or to construct a part of the body that has become damaged due to trauma or injury. Mentioned below are the most expensive plastic surgeries that are commonly performed. Lower body lift This was one of the most expensive plastic surgeries a couple of years ago, and it is directed at removing the excess skin that is fatty and sagging in your lower body. It seeks to eliminate the cellulite, and this is a surgical procedure that is advised when liposuction fails to yield desirable results. Liposuction is meant to remove the excess and weight-loss resistant stubborn fat that remains beneath the skin. But this procedure works when your skin has enough elasticity to adapt to the new shape.
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