Common Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

Common Treatment Methods for Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a small gland that is present in men. It is located at the base of the penis and makes seminal fluid, which produces semen. The prostate becomes enlarged with age. Sometimes it gets so big that it blocks the urethra. Prostate cancer starts when the cells in the prostate multiply exponentially and become a tumor. This tumor can be benign, which means that it cannot spread or it could be malignant, where it could grow and spread to other areas in the body. However, compared to most other cancers, prostate cancer does not grow as quickly. A doctor decides on the treatment methods for prostate cancer based on how it is growing. Observation or Active Surveillance Since prostate cancer grows slowly, it is recommended to waitt and measure their growth. In very slow-growing prostate cancers, the removal of cancer could cause more issues than the prostate cancer itself. This approach is the most common treatment method for prostate cancer in low and very low-risk prostate cancers. Surgery Surgery to treat prostate cancers includes the removal of the prostate as well as the lymph glands around it. The different types of prostate cancer removal surgeries are radical (open) prostatectomy, robotic or laparoscopic prostatectomy, bilateral orchiectomy, and the transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP).
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Top Worst States to Live in for Arthritis Patients

Top Worst States to Live in for Arthritis Patients

Arthritis is a joint condition that is is characterized by stiffness and chronic pain. The condition tends to worsen with age, but it is crucial to note that internal and external factors can also trigger a flare-up. While the condition cannot be fully cured, it can be managed with the help of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes. This article focuses on the worst states to live in for arthritis patients. Worst states in the United States for arthritis patients to live in According to the latest data, around 24% of the population in the country suffers from some form of arthritis. Living with this medical condition is not an easy task as routine activities become difficult and lead to one becoming dependent on others for help. A simple thing such as bending down to pick up a fallen object becomes impossible for some. This leads to embarrassment and frustration. Aside from your lifestyle and dietary habits, where you live also plays a role in the state of your condition. The weather and climate of certain states can trigger a flare-up of arthritis symptoms. This is because extreme dryness, heat, or humidity have an effect on our muscles. Additionally, the cost of healthcare facilities and its availability plays a massive role in determining which state is a good option for arthritis patients.
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6 Cities to Avoid During Allergy Season

6 Cities to Avoid During Allergy Season

When foreign substances enter the human body, they are likely to cause an involuntary, unwanted reaction. The same substance might cause allergies of different intensities to people of varying levels of allergen sensitivities. Reactions to certain substances can occur at any age and not necessarily from childhood. When the immune system has an overrated response to common substances and causes an allergic reaction, this medical condition is called an allergy. The function of the immune system causes antibodies. If you are allergic to certain substances, the immune system creates antibodies that identify that substance as harmful leading to the symptoms of an allergy. The changes in seasons over the span of a year are known to cause some form of disruption in a person’s immune system. And every city has its own weather conditions and varied factors of allergies like pollen. Some of the worst cities in the country for seasonal allergies are mentioned below in random order. McAllen, Texas The first city on our list of worst cities in the country for seasonal allergies is McAllen in the great state of Texas. During the spring, people are prone to suffer from the common symptoms of the disease like burning eyes, nasal congestion, and itchiness.
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ADHD – Foods to Eat and Avoid

ADHD – Foods to Eat and Avoid

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a mental health disorder that affects children and adults. Foods can help manage ADHD. Certain foods can be helpful for ADHD patients, while others can worsen the problem. ADHD patients should keep these foods in mind. The article lists out some of the foods to manage ADHD symptoms. ADHD and food ADHD affects mood, concentration, and energy. Foods that can help improve concentration levels and energy need to be part of the diet. The foods also need to keep sugar levels under control. The diet needs to be high in protein with minerals and vitamins to provide nutrition. Certain foods can affect energy levels and worsen the symptoms of ADHD. It is important to avoid these foods to prevent problems. Foods to avoid While working out the diet to manage ADHD symptoms, it is important to avoid foods that are not good for health. Some of these foods include: Sugary beverages, desserts, and foods with high levels of sugar can cause blood sugar spikes. Simple carbohydrates like white bread, white rice, chips, fries, and sports drinks should be avoided as they can affect blood sugar levels. Caffeine can be a problem, especially if consumed in excess.
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Useful Lifestyle Tips to Combat UTI

Useful Lifestyle Tips to Combat UTI

You should know that it is possible to avoid UTIs by following certain useful lifestyle tips and health guidelines. Reports suggest that almost 10%-20% of women will experience a urinary tract infection at least once during their life. This indicates that UTIs are quite common among women; so, knowing lifestyle tips for UTI can help to prevent their occurrence. Below mentioned are ten lifestyle tips that women should follow: Stay hydrated It is important for women to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and other fluids throughout the day if they wish to avoid UTIs from recurring. When you drink water, it helps to eliminate the toxins and bacteria from the body via the urine. Moreover, water revs up the metabolism and aids in digestion. Eat yogurts and fruits Yogurts are rich in probiotics that have protective properties to protect you from frequent infections. It is necessary to add more fruits to your diet as these are loaded with essential minerals and vitamins. These can help to boost your immunity and help you fight against infections. Fruits like blueberries and cranberries are especially helpful when it comes to curing UTIs. Relieve stress Stress can make your immune system weak and women who are stressed out become more and more vulnerable to such infections.
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3 Ways to Prevent Cold and Flu

3 Ways to Prevent Cold and Flu

The cold and flu seem the same for some, but that is not the case even if they do have similar symptoms. If you are suffering from the flu, you will also get a fever along with the symptoms of a cold. Also, instead of a runny nose, which is the case in the cold, in the flu, it is a clogged nose. Treatments are available for cold and flu, but it is best to avoid them. Precautionary measures are important if you do not want to catch a cold or flu. There are many ways to avoid them, and we’ve mentioned a few prevention tips for cold and flu below. Cold or flu commonly occurs during the winter season Good Hygiene Good hygiene needs to be maintained to avoid getting infected by either cold or flu. The cold and flu virus can set on hands and enter the body through the eyes, mouth, or nose. So, wash your hands properly on a regular basis. The washing of hands should last for 15 to 20 seconds. It is also advisable to maintain a certain distance from a sick person and vice versa. It is also necessary to cover your mouth and nose with a handkerchief or tissue while coughing or sneezing.
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Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and  Common Risk Factors

Ovarian Cancer Symptoms and Common Risk Factors

The risk factors for ovarian cancer are not the causes of cancer. Rather, they influence how cancer develops. Let’s take a look at the ones that make the biggest differences. Family History When there is a history of breast or ovarian cancer in the family, it increases the risk‌ ‌factors‌ ‌for‌ ‌ovarian‌ ‌cancer‌. This is because genetic mutations that cause cancer may be passed on from one generation to another. One must also be aware if there is a history of any other cancers in the family. Gene Mutations Studies have found that genetic mutations cause between 10 percent and 20 percent of all cases of ovarian cancer. So, when a patient is diagnosed with this condition, it is recommended that they undergo gene testing for the presence of cancer-causing genes such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, RAD51, and PALB. This testing is recommended even if there is no history of cancer in the family. If a mutation is found, the first and second lines of blood relatives should also be tested. Other Genetic Conditions Certain genetic conditions also increase the risk of ‌ovarian‌ ‌cancer‌. Lynch syndrome is a hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer. It increases not only the risk for ovarian cancer but also for several other cancers.
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Major Risk Factors That Can Lead to Melanoma

Major Risk Factors That Can Lead to Melanoma

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer. In such cancers, the skin cells called melanocytes undergo DNA damage or mutations that cause their uncontrolled multiplication and growth. Most of the common cancers of the skin are found in areas of the body that are exposed to the sun. Melanomas, however, are also found on parts that are not directly exposed to sunlight. There are many risk factors for melanoma; such as the following. Excessive UV exposure There are two kinds of UV rays; UVA and UVB. UVB radiation can be a risk factor for melanoma but new research finds that UVA may also play a role. It is important to protect the skin from both types of UV radiation. UV radiation is higher in places that have bright sunshine year-round and also in high altitudes. Sun tanning whether natural or indoor is a risk factor. If you spend more time outdoors during the noon hours when the sunlight is at its strongest, your risk of melanoma is higher. If you had frequent sunburns as a child, you are also more vulnerable to the disease. Weakened immune system When a person’s immunity is compromised because of other health conditions such as lymphoma or HIV, there is a higher risk of skin cancer.
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Common Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Common Risk Factors for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer starts in the pancreatic tissue. The pancreas can have both cancerous and non-cancerous tumors. A common form of pancreatic cancer is pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma, wherein the ducts that carry the enzymes out of the pancreas get affected. Pancreatic cancer is the most curable in its early stages, but is rarely detected then. It is often detected when it spreads to other organs and starts causing symptoms. The risk factors for pancreatic cancer influence how it will develop in the body. Some of the common ones are listed below: 1. Age and gender Pancreatic cancer can affect people of all ages, but its risk advances with age, affecting people who are over 45. This cancer is also seen in more men than women. 2. Substance use Smokers have double or even triple the risk of developing pancreatic cancer than people who do not smoke. Heavy or chronic intake of alcohol causes repeated inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which increases the risk for pancreatic cancer. 3. Obesity Being obese or overwight increases the risk for pancreatic cancer. People who are not overweight, but have a lot of belly fat are also at a higher risk. 4. Diabetes A person who has had diabetes for years is at a higher risk for pancreatic cancer.
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10 Risk Factors for Sarcoma

10 Risk Factors for Sarcoma

Sarcoma, or soft tissue sarcoma, is a kind of cancer that occurs in the body’s soft tissues. These are the tissues that are not organs nor bones, such as the tendons, fat, blood vessels, deep skin tissues, and nerves. Sarcomas are rare. Most soft tissue carcinomas are located in the arms, legs, torso area, and some in the neck, head, or abdominal cavity. This article discusses ten risk factors for sarcomas. 1. Radiation exposure People who are exposed to radiation during therapy are at a high risk of developing sarcoma. Normal X-rays are not a risk factor. 2. Lymphedema Lymphedema is a condition when the lymph system is damaged, resulting in the collection of fluids in the tissues. This happens when the lymph nodes have been damaged by some other radiation or surgically removed. 3. Chemical exposure Exposure to certain chemicals is one of the added risk factors for sarcoma. Some chemicals thought to have this side effect include chemical dioxin, chlorophenols, and herbicides. 4. Family history People with a family history of sarcoma or any other cancer are at high risk. This is because the gene defect that causes sarcoma could have been passed on from generation to the next.
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