6 Alternative Treatments for Dry Eyes

6 Alternative Treatments for Dry Eyes

Dry eyes occur due to the lack of sufficient tears. It can cause irritation in the eyes and other troublesome symptoms. Nearly 16 million Americans suffer from dry eye syndrome. Its symptoms include irritation in the eyes, redness, and discomfort. There are a number of treatment options available to treat this condition. To help you, here are six alternative treatments for dry eyes. Use a warm compress One of the helpful alternative treatments for dry eyes is to use a warm compress. For a warm compress, you need to dip a cloth in warm water and wring out the water. Then place the compress on each eye for a minute. You can also massage the edge of your eyelids. The moist heat from the compress reduces inflammation and loosen any oil clogging the tear gland. This is a natural way of getting relief and promoting tear production. Get sufficient rest The eyes need sufficient rest, especially while watching TV, using a laptop, or browsing on the phone. The 20/20 rule can be helpful. After every 20 minutes of work, close your eyes for 20 seconds to give it sufficient rest. Keep blinking One of the primary reasons for dry eyes is that people who work on computers stare at the screen for a long time without blinking.
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8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Combat Arthritis

8 Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Combat Arthritis

If you have arthritis, you know how devastating the condition is and how it impairs your routine. Arthritis is the inflammation of the joints that causes swelling and stiffness accompanied by severe pain and redness. When you’re living with arthritis, making changes to your diet is one option to contain the disease. While arthritis can seldom be cured permanently, taking doctor-prescribed treatments and medications such as voltaren, kevzara, advil, excedrin, actemra, simponi, and orencia, and consuming anti-inflammatory food and food items can help manage the condition and lead a normal life. Omega-3 fatty acids Omega-3 is a natural chemical that acts as a painkiller without the unpleasant side-effects. This natural compound can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides while lowering inflammation and providing a soothing effect. It greatly reduces joint stiffness and swelling, and if you suffer from psoriatic arthritis, omega-3 can also improve the skin reddening, itching, and scaling symptoms. Foods like oily fishes contain rich amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. The polyunsaturated fats are found in rich doses in sardines, mackerel, salmon, and tuna. If you don’t consume fish, you can take Omega-3 supplements like fish oil, flaxseed oil, chia seeds, and walnuts. Garlic Garlic is loaded with nutrients, and the compounds have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect on the body and the joints, regardless of if you have psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and so on.
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Anti-Inflammatory Foods Suitable for Gout Patients

Anti-Inflammatory Foods Suitable for Gout Patients

Gout is a painful condition that occurs due to uric acid buildup. Food has a relation to gout as certain foods can aggravate the gout condition. Some other foods are anti-inflammatory and helpful for gout patients. The article lists out the anti-inflammatory foods for gout. Gout and food A gout is a form of arthritis that occurs due to excess uric acid in the blood. This leads to crystals being formed that accumulate in joints and cause severe pain. A good gout diet can help reduce uric acid levels in the body. This can help manage the symptoms of gout. Purines are substances that cause uric acid levels to increase. Foods containing purine should be avoided. Since gout is an inflammatory disease, anti-inflammatory foods would help manage gout. A gout diet needs to include foods that can reduce inflammation. This can alleviate gout symptoms. A gout diet should also include foods that help in weight loss since being overweight can increase gout attacks. Fruits and vegetables One of the best anti-inflammatory foods for gout is fruits and vegetables. Eating fruits and vegetables ensures the body gets the fiber it needs for general health improvement. It also provides nutrients required by the body.
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Best and Worst Climates for Eczema

Best and Worst Climates for Eczema

Eczema, also called atopic dermatitis, is a condition that causes dry, itchy, or scaly skin. This could be due to an allergy and may be accompanied by hay fever or asthma. The condition can cause skin breaks releasing fluid. It is a troublesome disease that can be worsened by certain factors. Climate can affect eczema, with some climate types being favorable and the others causing adverse effects. The article explains the best and worst climates for eczema. How does weather affect eczema? The skin on our body defends us from pathogens and other harmful substances. Eczema weakens the skin and makes it dry, and it can be affected easily by changes in the weather. Weather can have different effects on eczema patients. It may vary from person to person and depends on the patient. The following are some types of weather that can impact eczema. 1. Hot and humid weather Some people experience relief from eczema in hot and humid conditions, while others find their symptoms aggravated. They can experience prickly heat due to sweating. People staying in hot weather must try to remain cool by wearing light clothes and staying indoors as much as possible. One can also go for a swim to ward off the heat.
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A Guide on Causes and Symptoms of Hepatitis C

A Guide on Causes and Symptoms of Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a viral infection caused by the hepatitis C virus (HCV), resulting in liver inflammation. The disease can spread through an infected person’s contaminated blood and bodily fluids. Hepatitis C is very difficult to diagnose during the early stages as it hardly shows any symptoms. This makes it a serious condition, requiring immediate medical attention. If ignored, it can cause permanent liver damage and lead to other health complications, including death. Read on to know more about the causes and symptoms of hepatitis C. Causes of hepatitis C Hepatitis C only spreads from coming in contact with an infected person and not via animals or insects. The HCV virus is primarily present in the blood and other bodily fluids. It commonly occurs due to the sharing of needles, environmental factors, genetics, and other underlying diseases. Following are the common and rare causes of hepatitis C. Received blood from a donor with hepatitis C One can contract hepatitis C via blood transfusions and organ transplants. This happens only if the donor has hepatitis C. This is one of the leading causes of hepatitis C. Sharing needles and syringes One can quickly contract HCV by sharing needles, syringes, and other medical equipment while indulging in substance abuse.
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Early and Vague Signs of MS

Early and Vague Signs of MS

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a progressive disease of the central nervous system (spinal cord and brain), which involves a patient’s immune system mistakenly attacking the body’s healthy nerves (autoimmune system). Affecting hundreds of thousands of people in the United States and millions around the world, MS is both unpredictable and incurable. However, there is treatment available to manage the disease, including medications like ocrevus, vumerity, kesimpta, aubagio, mayzent, zeposia. In addition, experts note these common symptoms that are caused by MS. Many of them can be caught early on such as: 1. Weakness or fatigue When a person experiences fatigue on a regular basis for unexplainable reasons, they may be experiencing early signs of MS. Weakness or fatigue are one of the main early signs of MS. Roughly 80 percent of people with MS have stated that they experience chronic fatigue which is due to their nerves deteriorating in their spine. 2. Vision issues Vision problems with people who are experiencing early problems may have several different symptoms. They can come in the form of blurring in one eye, pain in one eye, or complete vision loss in one eye. 3. Tingling and numbness Tingling and numbness within a limb is a harder symptom to detect because patients may often mistake it as being due to sleeping in the wrong position or sitting a certain way for a long time.
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Soaps That Trigger Eczema

Soaps That Trigger Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that leaves patches of skin very itchy and inflamed. Sometimes eczema can leave blisters that crack and bleed due to the irritation. This usually appears on dry and irritated skin, but in some cases can occur when someone is too hot and sweaty. Doctors and dermatologists will often recommend over the counter gold bond, and medications such as dupixent, cibinqo, and rinvoq to relieve symptoms. There are many causes that can trigger eczema such as scented soaps, scented lotions, scented laundry detergents, wool clothing, cold or hot weather, and even pet dander. Many things can easily irritate this condition, including the following harsh soaps: 1. Soaps with strong fragrance Strong fragrance soaps such as Caress, Bath & Body Works soaps, Irish Spring, Dior Joy and many others cause a serious itching sensation and dry out the skin. People with eczema should avoid as much as possible. The scented soaps tend to remove oils from the skin which leads to drying. People with eczema should look for fragrance-free products instead of unscented and also rinsing effectively every time to make sure all the soap is washed off to prevent drying out the skin. This is the most popular irritation and usually causes a rash.
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Smells That Cause Migraines

Smells That Cause Migraines

It’s safe to say we have all experienced stressful days when our heads are pounding like a tom-tom. What we are experiencing is called a headache and it can totally stop us in our tracks, as we feel the striking pain. Fortunately, most headaches cease after a few hours or after taking an aspirin. But, for some people, headaches persist with a vengeance. And oftentimes, it’s not a typical everyday headache at all. If your head is not only pounding, but you’re also feeling nauseous, anxious, and experiencing sensitivity to light, you’re having a migraine. Let’s face it, we can all work at modifying stress and veer away from food triggers, but the following smells can easily invade our space and become unavoidable migraine triggers: 1. Food smells Cooking smells like from frying fatty foods can cause some people’s heads to throb. Picking up the scent of onions can bring on a migraine. Cooking with foods and spices that give off a strong odor can bring on a sudden migraine headache. This is especially true when it comes to sometimes picking up the odor from disliked foods. Our brain receptors are reacting to the unlikable sensory stimuli and in return, we begin to feel pressure in our heads.
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Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that affects the large intestine, causing symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and rectal bleeding. While the exact cause of ulcerative colitis is still unknown, research suggests that certain foods can trigger flare-ups in some people. In this listicle, we’ll discuss five common foods that can trigger ulcerative colitis and why you should avoid them. As well as some prescription medications, such as Stelara, that can help relieve colitis symptoms: 1. Butter or margarine Butter and margarine are high in fat, which can be difficult to digest for people with ulcerative colitis. Additionally, they can trigger inflammation in the gut, leading to symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea. To avoid these symptoms, it’s best to avoid butter and margarine and opt for low-fat cooking oils such as olive oil. 2. Carbonated beverages Carbonated beverages such as soda and sparkling water can cause gas and bloating in people with ulcerative colitis. Additionally, the high sugar content in soda can also trigger inflammation in the gut. To stay hydrated without triggering symptoms, it’s best to drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated beverages. 3. Coffee or caffeine Caffeine can stimulate the digestive system and cause diarrhea in people with ulcerative colitis.
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Foods That Trigger Breathing Issues and Vaccines to Prevent Them

Foods That Trigger Breathing Issues and Vaccines to Prevent Them

Breathing issues can be caused by various factors, including environmental factors, genetics, and diet. Some foods can trigger breathing issues, particularly in people with allergies or asthma. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to protect yourself against breathing issues caused by allergies. It is advisable to take an mrna vaccine to help prevent breathing issues. An example of an mrna vaccine you might have heard of is the pfizer shot or the flu shot. Both of these vaccines can prevent illnesses that affect the respiratory system (Covid-19 and influenza). In this article, we’ll discuss some common foods that trigger breathing issues and what you need to know to prevent them. 1. Dairy products Dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt can trigger breathing issues in people who are allergic to milk protein. This type of allergy is known as a milk allergy, and it can cause symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and difficulty breathing. If you have a milk allergy, it’s important to avoid consuming dairy products or any food containing milk. Consult with your doctor for treatment and management options. 2. Shellfish Shellfish such as shrimp, crab, and lobster are common allergens that can trigger breathing issues in some people.
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